E questa notte verranno consegnate a tutte le partecipanti le mail con la prima tappa del Sal...
Mi raccomando, abbiate pazienza, perchè comunque il file in PDF è di 2,40MB sono esattamente 10 pagine, 6 di istruzioni e chiavi colori suddivise in 3 lingue...
Vi prego leggete sempre tutto....
e se ci fosse qualcosa, abbiate pazienza fino al 5 di luglio, perchè sono via per lavoro e non sarò reperibile fino a quella data... Ma so che andrà tutto perfettamente...
Un abbraccio a tutte
in less than 1 hour the enrollment for the Mystery Sal will be forever closed down ...
And during this night will be delivered to all participants the mails with the first step of the Sal ... Please, be patient, and wait for a while, because the PDF file is 2.40 MB ... there are exactly 10 pages, 6 color keys instruction divided into 3 languages ...
Please always read everything carefully ....
Everithing was done to be perfect, but if someone have and unlucky little problem, please, must be wait until the 5 of July, because I'm away for work and I will not be available to reach you by email, until that date ... But I know that everything will be perfect ...
Hugs and kisses!
en moins d'1 heure les effectifs de la Sal Mystère sera jamais fermé ...
Et pendant cette nuit sera livré à tous les participants des mails avec la première étape de la Sal ... S'il vous plaît, soyez patient, et attendre pendant un certain temps, car le fichier PDF est de 2,40 MB ... il ya exactement 10 pages, 6 d'instruction divisée en 3 langues ...
S'il vous plaît lisez toujours attentivement tout ce que ....
tout es fait pour être parfait, mais si quelqu'un a et malchanceux petit problème, s'il vous plaît, il faut attendre le 5 Juillet, parce que je ne suis pas là pour le travail et je ne serai pas disponible pour vous joindre par courriel, jusqu'à cette date. .. Mais je sais que tout sera parfait ...
Les étreintes et baisers!
Many thanks for the wonderful chart! I was wondering if there is any chance that the inside blue could actually be done in half stitch instead of a full one?
RispondiEliminaI am so sad to have missed this opportunity. I look forward to seeing your completed works!