No words... Only pain, suffering, fear ... Everything has to be rebuilt again, in a very difficult time for my Italy ... My husband, who is part of civil defense and maybe my son (if the authorities give permission) are preparing to bring essential goods into Romagna ... They are going to leave for Romagna at the end of this week or at least next week, to relieve the other teams back from the Romagna land. ... Among the various boxes I've added some full of kits and fabrics and embroidery yarns ... They will give theme to all the women in the tents because they can distract a moment and have something to do ...
Pray for my Italy and for us ...
Italy: Magnitude 5.8 earthquake in northeast
Modena, 29 May . At least three people died in a magnitude 5.8 earthquake Tuesday in the province of Modena in the northeastern Italian Emilia-Romagna region which struck at 9am. The tragedy follows the deaths of four workers ten days ago when the roof of a ceramics factory collapsed during the magnitude 6 earthquake which killed a total of 7 people, left over 5,000 homeless and historic buildings in ruins.Tuesday's earthquake victims were killed when factory buildings collapsed in San Felice and in Mirandola,
Many of the most beautiful buildings in northern Italy are also the most vulnerable to earthquakes
The two quakes struck one of the most productive regions in Italy at a particularly crucial moment, as the country faces enormous pressure to grow its economy to stave off the continent's debt crisis. Italy's economic growth has been stagnant for at least a decade, and the national economy is forecast to contract by 1.2 percent this year.
The area encompassing the cities of Modena, Mantua and Bologna is prized for its super car production, churning out Ferraris, Maseratis and Lamborghinis; its world-famous Parmesan cheese, and less well-known but critical to the economy: machinery companies.
Tremors were felt across swathes of northern Italy including the lagoon city of Venice and in Milan.

The Parmigiano industry is on its knee

The Parmigiano Reggiano and Grana Padano forms, aligned in the long shelves for seasoning, are the Emilia Romagna’s economy symbol. Now, after the earthquake on Saturday night, seem to have become the symbol of the disaster, especially in the provinces of Modena and Ferrara. One of the products that best represent Italy in the world has suffered serious damage: stores, farms, stables, barns and greenhouses collapsed, with estimated damages exceeding 200 million euros. Nearly 10% of Italian production of Parmesan cheese and 2% of that of Grana Padano cheese damaged by the earthquake. A tragedy that has undermined not only agriculture, because in Emilia Romagna there are other important industries as Ferrari and Lamborghini cars. In areas hardest hit by the earthquake, two thousand companies were forced to close. To pay a higher price was the pottery factory St. Augustine completely destroyed by the earthquake with 2 workers died. In all, the factory had 750 workers.
qui ti accorgi di essere proprio impotente...splendido il disegno....un bacio cara laura.
RispondiEliminaTrasmettendo le preghiere ed i buoni pensieri voi tutte in Italia!
RispondiEliminaI saw this on the news then. My heart is with you and in your heartache, how wonderful to send items to the women to keep their hands busy at this time. Very good of you to do that. I shall add them to my daily prayers.
RispondiEliminaHo my !
RispondiEliminaI saw this on TV but your pictures are so heart rending =(
My heart is with you too
it's wonderful there are people like you to take care of the one who suffer
prayer for you Italy Laura
big warm hugs from France